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Django Application with React js

Deployed a Django Application with React.js on a VPS

we have successfully deployed a full-stack application combining Django and React.js on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) running Ubuntu 22.04. This deployment process was an excellent opportunity to integrate backend and frontend technologies seamlessly and ensure a smooth, secure, and efficient production environment.

Deploying a React.js and Django application involves a series of meticulously coordinated steps to ensure a seamless setup and operation. Below is a summary of the deployment process:

✔Configure Ubuntu 22.04 on VPS: Start by setting up Ubuntu 22.04 on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) to provide a stable and secure environment for deployment.
✔Upload Project Files: Transfer the React.js and Django project files to the VPS.
✔Configure DNS Records: Set up DNS records to point the domain to the VPS.
✔Set Up Directories and File Paths: Configure the necessary directories and file paths for the project on the server.
✔Install Python 3: Install Python 3, the necessary version for Django, on the VPS.
✔Install Python Dependencies: Run the requirements.txt file to install all the required Python dependencies.
✔Install Node.js and npm: Set up Node.js and npm, which are necessary for building and managing the React.js frontend.
✔Set Up Python Virtual Environment: Create a Python virtual environment to manage dependencies and isolate the project environment.
✔Generate React.js Build: Build the React.js application to create static files that will be served by the Django backend.
✔Run collectstatic Command in Django: Use the Django collectstatic command to gather all static files, including the React build, in a single directory.
✔Install MySQL and configure it for the project. Create a new database and user, then integrate these with the Django settings.
✔Set up a Redis server, which is often used for caching and managing asynchronous tasks in Django applications.
✔Install and Configure Nginx Server: Nginx is installed and configured to act as a reverse proxy server, serving static files and managing requests.
✔Daphne is installed and configured as the ASGI server to handle WebSocket connections for the Django application.

This comprehensive deployment process involved integrating several moving parts to create a reliable, scalable, and secure application environment. It has been an incredible learning experience, enhancing skills in server configuration, DNS management, security, and deploying full-stack applications 🚀

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